
Important Information!

Please register by July 23, 2004.

All employees (including contractors, interns and temps) must register if you plan on attending the picnic. You must also register each of your family members who plan on attending.

If you cannot attend but would like the shirts, please indicate below and select your shirt sizes.

  • Please limit guests to your immediate family
  • No pets
  • ID required for alcohol
  • No smoking outside of specified smoking area
  • Please bring your Attachmate name badge
  • Shirts will be distributed the week of the picnic
(Fields with are required)
 Will ye be attending the picnic?
Aye, I plan to attend the picnic   Nay, but I would like the shirts
 Office Location
Shirt Sizes (Each employee will receive two complimentary shirts)
Additional shirts may be purchased. See below for ordering information.
 Shirt 1
 Shirt 2
Number of Guests to Attend the Picnic
# of Adults 18+ yrs.
(include yourself):
# of Teens 13-17 yrs.:
# of Kids 6-12 yrs.:
# of Toddlers 2-5 yrs.:
# of Infants 0-1 yrs.:
Additional shirts may be ordered for $8.00 per shirt (including tax). If you would like additional shirts, please indicate how many of each size below. Please provide a check for the total amount made payable to Attachmate Corporation, and send checks to Nancy Anderson by July 31, 2004.
  Number Total $
 Kid SM (6-8) $
 Kid Med (10-12) $
 Kid LG (14-16) $
 Adult SM $
 Adult Med $
 Adult LG $
 Adult XL $
 Adult XXL $
Total  $