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Enterprise Reports

List of Reports
+ End Customer

+ Fastpath

+ Maintenance Subscription

+ Technical Services

Reports Answers the question:
End Customer  
End Customer Analysis What have we sold to our customers?

End Customer by Geography What have we sold to our customers in a city, postal code, or state?

Customer Order Detail What are the details for a given order, PO, invoice number, etc.?

Top Customer Ranking Who are our top customers? How are they ranked?

Customers by Product Who bought a specific Product?

Fastpath Attachment What is the required customer information for Fastpath?

Customers by SKU Type  

Fastpath Document Search Does this customer have a FastPath?

Fastpath Status Search What FastPaths are in my territory?

Fastpath Sales of Specific Products Which of my customers have purchased product X on a FastPath?

Maintenance Subscription  
Maintenance Plan Analysis What plans have we sold to our customers?

Maintenance Net Gain/Loss Have my maintenance units increased or decreased?

Maintenance Renewal Rate What is my Renewal Rate?

Maintenance Renewal Opportunity What are my biggest renewal opportunities?

Technical Services  
Technical Support Plan Analysis  

  ©2006 Attachmate Datawarehouse. Confidential. For Internal Use Only.