You're Invited to an Attachmate Webcast

An Attachmate Webcast Featuring Analyst Firm Gartner

SOA and the Impact of the User-Organized Enterprise

Join us for a special Webcast on the value of the Service-Oriented Architecture, with thought leaders from Attachmate Corporation and Gartner.

We are at the cusp of a new computing paradigm - the Service-Oriented Architecture. Business logic and data are segmented into logical business functions, and hidden behind a reusable service that can reside anywhere.

Attachmate takes a unique view of the Service-Oriented Architecture by introducing the concept of the User-Organized Enterprise. It's about creating a balance between what IT delivers and what the business needs, letting users define and modify applications, user interfaces, and business processes, while IT maintains control.

The secret to the User-Organized Enterprise lies in the ability to make the enterprise infrastructure transparent, empowering users to interact with information, regardless of its source. This usability - and reusability - of services is exactly what a Service-Oriented Architecture promises to deliver.

Featured Speakers:

Yefim Natis, Gartner analyst

Michael Norring, Attachmate Vice President of SOA Services

Register and play at your convenience:

What you’ll learn:
  • Impact of SOA
  • Components of SOA
  • How to get started
  • SOA and composite applications
  • The User-Organized Enterprise
  • Changing role of IT
  • Service definition and demos

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